Kairen Corporation



Let's eat great food together with cheers and with a lively environment that we can grow day by day

At Kairen's "recruitment", we aim not only to replenish the labor force but also to bring in candidates who can grow with the company.
All employees have an irreplaceable presence in the company.
So, we value our employees very much.
We offer an employee cafeteria and in-house events (New Year's party, beer drinking party, BBQ party, company trip, year-end party, etc.) as well as growth on site, creating a community across factories and divisions. We are equipped with a working environment to help each other to improve employee capabilities.
At Kairen, we will continue to provide a growing environment so that each employee's career and life becomes rich.

  • Message from the president

  • Kairen is proud of its high engagement work environment

  • Employee’s voice

  • Guidelines for applicants

  • Application